Eddie's parents came in to town for the wedding a couple of days before the 7th. After their long excursion to find our house on the first day, we took them for another excursion into Luray Caverns! Despite the huge hike in entrance fees, we all had a great time. I am truly blessed to have such an awesome family. They are truly wonderful people. Ma Jo and Dad Woddy Teaching Mom to pick a lock?? Eddie, Woody, and Jo CAAAAAAAAVVVE TRRRROOLLLLL!!! Rare fatherus Woodyus sighting! Beautiful underground lagoon Happy family
(Or rather, look who found us!) While Eddie and I were out for a walk early one morning about three weeks ago, we came across a young bear, and his very large (300lbs.!) mama. So glad we got shots of them, though blurry. Big Mama
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I hear large crashes upstairs.... The beginning stages of the 5 day paint job... Smile! This is taking us forever! Too tired to go on... Starting to look cozy The room is all painted, hooray! ...and now our junk has been moved in, hehe