We have our work cut out for us! 
Grabbin a bite to eat as we start to unpack

Ceilidh chillin' on Eddies feet :-)

Our side view from the living room...

From the front bedroom (currently a store-room, hehe)

There is still much to be finished. It's great fun though!

The just-moved-in look of our bedroom :-)

The front bedroom...this house is SO old...

The backyard fully overgrown

Holy moly, will you look at that grass! Can we say Jurassic Park?

Duhn duhn duhn duhn

"Does our push-mower have enough HP for this grass?!"

Ceilidh expressing her profound glee at being out of the city at last

Our first pic outside our new home..still looking like Jurassic Park in this shot though
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